Welcome to the journey

Cosmic Divine Feminine Pathways Home


Session One

  1. Come home to the breath

We begin by coming home to and through the breath. We meet our self-recognition in this centering connection, through the channel of Divine breath. Give your Self the gift of dropping deep into the place where we meet; where we remember. We come to the breath, gently, innocently, as a gateway to the meeting of formless and form. We find stillness and peace in the place where we are. Let Helen's voice guide you home.

It can seem too simple; so simple that the mind overlooks the breath. This breath that is present in every moment of a life in a body. Bringing awareness here is a perpetual gateway to the present moment. And it is here that awakening already is. Here that consciousness is.

Not at some future point when we feel more enlightened. Not when we’ve worked through another layer of healing of our neuroses. It is the great Cosmic joke – we are already This. Whole, awake, Divine.

Our true nature can just get overlaid by the smog of socialization. Our fiery vibrant hearts can get stagnant with caution. Our bellies numb with excess and immune to the emanations of Life Herself.

Suggested practices and contemplations:

Take a few minutes throughout your day to come home to the breath

Practice being non-judgmental and resting as an innocent receiver of this gift of life.

Look at the space; the pause, between the inhale and the exhale. Drop into it, without trying to change or extend it. Just opening your Being.