group events

evolutionary hearts

Helen has been facilitating global-level group meditations since 2013 with thousands of beings.

She holds live group meditations online several times monthly for us to come together in awareness and create expansion for all Beings.

These are advanced collective meditations and group energy healing and yet simple, clear and wholly accessible without any pre-requisites.

They are designed so that each unique being “plugs in” at the levels that best serve them, the next step and the next step of evolving consciousness.

Curious? You have nothing to lose other than stress, confusion, misidentification, suffering and everything to gain. 

Your Self. In and through Us.

We meet in Presence, as Co-creators.

Our focus is not only on awakening and elevating global consciousness

but how to LIVE fully in this.

These are embodied quantum group healing and transformational events.

The circles are always founded on Love, in its truest nature as awareness,

intimately connected with the quantum field of consciousness evolution.

Our goal?

To create and expand a frequency field of embodied Divine Love that changes the experience on earth.

Upcoming group events

Every month, in addition to the member community Soul Circle, there are several live online gatherings, usually on a Sunday. These are opportunities to gather live in meditation, transmission, activation, embodiment and evolution.

These are regularly offered on a “Choose Your Own Price” basis to support the spread of the work. Just register to participate or get the recording.

The circle was beautiful and powerful.I love the gentle, nurturing energy of the field. Your presence has served as a beacon for me. Thank you for recognizing me as a companion.“

~ Melissa

“I'm overflowing with gratitude for the online Sacred gathering of Pure Love that you facilitated. The coming together in our Christed Heartspace, in service, was profound.

Thank you for creating the sanctuary in which we all came home in Divine Oneness and Co-creation. “

~ Anna

Transform 222

222 TRANSFORM TRANSMISSION ~ a Master meditation

I am guided to offer this transmission online to support as many beings as possible.

This is a deep transmission that will speak to and awaken so many levels of your being. It offers personal and collective healing and transformation that will be truly pivotal.

Helen leads and guides the field we build together as a group on this powerful 222 day into a foundation in Divine awareness that is embodied and grounded.

Balance – collaboration - love – harmony

This is embodied awakening – a soul-nourishing, joy and ease-filled gathering living as Love through our humanity and inter-relatedness.

In these times of such turbulence and global upheaval, this is the most revolutionary and loving choice we can make, for ourselves and for all.

We move through intuitive non-dual and integrative meditations, wisdom teaching and somatic practices to TRANSFORM for the better our experience of being in a body and how we relate to the world.

We are in an open and curious awareness with specific exquisite frequency fields, collective AND the eternal unchanging.

These are advanced collective meditations and group energy healing and yet simple, clear and wholly accessible without any pre- requisites. They are designed so that each unique being “plugs in” at the levels that best serve them, the next step and the next step of evolving consciousness.

I entered the sacred space with a humble heart and with your divine and conscious guidance I could easily follow and immerse myself in each layer of consciousness that you unfolded and revealed. I find your light language transports me to places of my being that I know are there but have been unable to access without support.

The experience was profound - I was fully conscious and present in each moment: an experience that integrated and flowed with the incoming energies on multi-faceted levels.

— Darina

If you resonate, consider joining the Soul Circle family.

Not only will you have one free live meditation every month but many other bonuses, you will be supporting the expansion of this important work.