soul circles
evolutionary hearts
Soul Circles are an evolutionary space of Love meeting itself and expanding consciousness.
Our goal?
To create and expand a frequency field of embodied Divine Love that changes the experience on earth.
Join for a single webinar or the community for monthly access.
It is a circle of souls, in our humanity, here for the edges, for growth and for the brave unknown.
It is a circle founded always on Love, in its truest nature, intimately connected with the quantum field of consciousness evolution.
It is not a circle of one but of many and it's here for you.
The Soul Circle is made by us, in service to consciousness itself.
Helen has been facilitating global-level group meditations for over 10 years.
She holds transformative gatherings, for us to come together in awareness and create expansion for all Beings.
We are soul family and spiritual companions,
who feel called to devote our lives to the embodied Divine.
We meet in Presence, as Co-creators.
Our focus is not only on awakening and elevating global consciousness
but how to LIVE fully in this.
“The circle was beautiful and powerful.I love the gentle, nurturing energy of the field. Your presence has served as a beacon for me. Thank you for recognizing me as a companion.“
~ Melissa
“I'm overflowing with gratitude for the online Sacred gathering of Pure Love that you facilitated. The coming together in our Christed Heartspace, in service, was profound.
Thank you for creating the sanctuary in which we all came home in Divine Oneness and Co-creation. “
~ Anna
What do I receive with membership?
- access to a monthly live circle and the recording
- a library of all webinar replays from January 2024 on.
- access to the support of an evolutionary consciousness field and community
- priceless opportunities for transformation, cocreation and to meet in a field of profound Love.
receive in addition:
access to a whole library of recordings from 2021-2023. Valued at over $800
exclusive content and access to additional online meditations.
Where is the content?
Zoom details are posted each month on the private Soul Circle members page.
Recordings are also posted here.
When and for how long is the monthly Soul Circle?
Circle meets once a month, usually on the Sunday closest to the full moon. Calls are typically around an hour, occasionally up to 90 minutes.
Additional events are often offered around significant gateways
Is there a minimum time commitment?
No. You can cancel at any time. Simply email here.
In our gatherings, we come together as Beings from all backgrounds who feel called to devote ourselves to the evolution of consciousness,
the knowing of Love
and to the Divine,
here on Earth.
This work needs all of us.
It changes all of us.
If your heart says yes, join us.
Goals of Soul Circle
· To call together a significant and impactful group of beings that contribute meaningfully to the evolution of collective consciousness.
· To develop nourishing support for all aspects of our being
· To hold together a commitment to honesty, kindness, truthfulness, curiosity and growth
· To be fully responsible for and curious about our inner responses, movements and experiences.
Upcoming webinars
Every month as guided, in addition to Soul circle, there is at least one additional opportunity to gather live in meditation, transmission and evolution.
For these webinars, just register to participate.
“I entered the sacred space with a humble heart and with your divine and conscious guidance I could easily follow and immerse myself in each layer of consciousness that you unfolded and revealed. I find your light language transports me to places of my being that I know are there but have been unable to access without support.
The experience was profound - I was fully conscious and present in each moment: an experience that integrated and flowed with the incoming energies on multi-faceted levels.”
— Darina
Who you are
You know you are here to assist this collective shift.
You recognize yourself as a multi-dimensional human.
You are nourished by immersing in Divine frequency and are dedicated to evolution, personal and collective.
You would like to participate in powerful monthly online circles of healing and transformation.
You would like a resonant evolutionary community
You would like dedicated content to support you on your unique path
What you get with membership
Soul Circle each month
Access to an extensive library of replays to use again and again
Personal, group and collective healing
Awakening community
Soul tribe
Priceless nourishment and support in your embodiment journey
Members-only email content and access to special events.
Joy and love!
receive in addition:
access to a whole library of recordings from 2021-2023. Valued at over $800
exclusive content and access to additional online meditations.
We are built from the dust of dying stars.
We are born from the big bang of formless into matter.
Beginnings contain endings and endings contain beginnings.
Thus, the circle is central to many spiritual paths.
From this alive circle, new realities will be created.
In many of our lives, there have been intense deaths
– of structures, beliefs, relationships, forms, and, sometimes, our beloveds.
The world has changed.
We are dying to attachments and identification continually
when we are on a path of awakening.
We are committed to our goodbye
and to our yes to the opening it leaves in its wake.
We are committed to the circle,
where nothing dies and we were always born.
A circle where we are creating the futures we hold in our soul coding.
Where we are bowing to our ancestors
who are not holding us down
but singing to us in celebration.
In our journeying, we need each other.
We need our honest hearts reflecting back to each of us.
We need our quiet ears to call in the next notes of movement.
We need our togetherness to birth and recognize the next step.
We need the amplifying of the song of love that can only be found
in many hearts brought together in humility and courage.