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Session Three

3. Cosmic Divine Feminine Activations

Transmissions of light and encodements from the Cosmic Divine Feminine, including light language activations.

If you are here, you are one of those who are ready to be receptors and transmitters of these frequencies. This transmission contains codes of light that have not been on the planet before. They are born through the merging of ancient and newly formed and conveyed through the gateway of our collective shift in consciousness.

Simply quieten the mind, expand the heart and be centered in the breath. Your energetic matrix knows how to respond. This transmission is ideally listened to at least three times. You might find most benefit as you prepare for sleep, so the frequencies can drop and integrate as you rest. Lying comfortably is recommended.

These codes bring remembrance, wholeness and are entrances to Cosmic abilities, visions and understandings. The interaction is unique in each of us but often leads to a heart expansion and deeper feelings of peace and joy.

Suggested practices and contemplations:

Place both hands lightly on your belly and feel it rise with each inhale. Let the fingers move away from each other, noticing the spaciousness. Let the muscles and tendons soften. Extend the invitation to soften internally to all of the pelvic organs. Be here in the space. Or if there is no sense of space, be here with the tightness, resistance or contraction, breathing, allowing.

Open the crown at the same time and bring attention to the inner central channel through the head and perineum. Reclaim your whole and flowing interconnectedness with both air and earth; light and dark.

2. How well do you know your own inner archetypes of masculine and feminine? Our primary models come from our mother and father in this lifetime. Consider the qualities each of your parents taught you. What did you assimilate? What did you reject and rebel against?

For both feminine and masculine, take some time with your journal and consider how the aspects you were imprinted with during early childhood align or conflict with your own essence.

Our relating and functioning in the world is so intimately shaped by the ways in which we embody these. We can consider formless pure awareness as the masculine Divine and everything in form as the Feminine. Formless and form penetrate and merge in an infinite dance.

In the collective rebalancing from patriarchy, the shadows are coming more and more into the light. These aspects are complementary and we all are both in our wholeness. We all carry the woundedness through our ancestors and cultures and our experiences with our parents and lovers.

This is an enquiry that can last our lifetime as we practice nurturing the healthy aspects of both and tend to the shadows and distortions as they arise in awareness. We are our own parents and our own Beloved. A container is developed for the union of both, in balance. The coming to wholeness of this archetypal collective "wound" is what provides the soil for the grounding of the Cosmic Divine Feminine on earth.

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