is to fully embody our purpose in being here.
With the courage to open our hearts and our consciousness to the eternal dimensions that we are, we expand into vibrant aliveness RIGHT HERE.
Helen will meet you exactly where you are and help you recognize, remember and uncover how you can live and grow with
Your guide
in embodied awakening for aliveness!
Helen is an “anam cara” from Scotland and a soul companion for world awakening.
She is a consciousness shifter,
guide in embodied awakening,
multi-dimensional healer,
a lion-hearted explorer of truth,
transformational coach,
teacher, author and facilitator.
She has bridged worlds over three decades of experience in paradigm change, healing, and transformation.
Helen will skillfully and lovingly guide you or your group, to whole new levels of authenticity, Love and the discovery and deep living of the true wonder of Life.
Group events
Meeting in person, heart to heart is irreplaceable.
The alchemy and transformation that is possible in a high-frequency group evolutionary field is extraordinary.
Check out upcoming in-person events
or alternatively
Soul Circle and online group webinars, twice monthly.
Personal sessions
Helen is a skillful, compassionate and wise guide who will assist you in moving to the next steps of your journey.
Mentoring, coaching and single sessions are avaiable.
Next events
March 20th 2 pm Central
with guest Sally Sherin.
Click below for details and to register to join live or by replay.

“Helen served me with ineffable grace, compassion and sensitivity. So attuned is she to the slightest movements in my interior that the wounded places gladly come out of hiding and soak in the energies of Love. She displays a potent combination of Faith in Being and sure-handed confidence, balanced with a sincere humility and respect for the person in her presence. ”
— Eli, USA
“A highly developed being on the path of love and devotion, who is committed to our collective and individual evolution.
Someone wise and fearless who is entrusted to share these precious energies and to inspire others with her Grace, Presence and wisdom.”
— Carol Ann, Scotland
“I have thanked you repeatedly for bringing me home to my own heart. You have brought me to my soul before creation. In that place, anything in my awareness that has ever happened to me, just did not matter anymore. Thank you for being the one that shares This with me and others, and leads me to that place.”
— Patti, Arizona
live group meditations ~
live group meditations ~
Group meditations live every month in deep Presence and evolutionary frequencies.
Grounded awakening
You know there is much more to life than you learned growing up. You have questions, and a passion to grow and to contribute to the collective evolution of consciousness. You are willing to dig deep and show up courageously for your self.
You are in the right place.
Grounded and embodied awakening is the dance of waking up to our unlimited Self and bringing consciousness fully home into all parts of what it is to be in a human body-mind-heart.
Helen’s personal devotion to awakening and to living authentically is the foundation for all that comes through her as a multi-dimensional yet very grounded Being. Her approach as guide, teacher, healer, coach or facilitator is rooted in wisdom, Presence as Love, simplicity and a depth of meeting that supports enduring transformation.
Essays and shorter writing are on Substack

The Universe takes care of the plans.
Our job is to look up to the skies
and kiss the earth
with our feet.