Thriving in a changing world
Thriving in times of great change
In the context of the particular point of collective awakening that we are at, it has never been more important
~ to have daily practices
~ to meet ourselves,
~ to clear what is not in integrity,
~ to re-balance and
~ to call our full Presence into each now.
We are creating conditions for the Divine intelligence that is in everything to support the aligning to and with the new light frequencies and plasma fields with Grace and ease.
why energy essentials for thriving?
Divine guidance has been insistently emphasizing the necessity of having daily practices to clear, expand, and stabilize in the new frequencies of light and these creations are the direct result.
This is a three-part series of meditations to support balance, wellbeing and thriving.
There is a morning practice, an evening practice and a practice to stabilize.
Use any one or ideally all three elements daily for:
Daily clearing and cleansing
Recognizing our sovereign essence
Increasing intentionality
Stabilizing all the bodies in this new present now.
Many of the most fundamental aspects of embodied awakening – awakening to the truth of what consciousness is – through this body-being are actually very simple.
Willingness is one of the most important conditions for healing. Anchoring our clear intention in and through our actions is what supports wholeness and thriving.
Use these tools to add to your own menu of choice.
There are multiple ways to approach and each moment is alive.
Get more intimate with your own sovereign space and expression.
This is the purpose of these tools.