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Session Four

4. Neural upgrading

In this powerful meditative transmission, neural upgrading takes place through the transmission of frequencies including light language. This can be listened to a number of times to integrate the new codes.

We are being continuously upgraded as consciousness evolves and more and more human beings come into the wave of awakening. These amazing bodies are physical structures, inhabited and infused with pure life force. But as such, the physical level is the last (densest) to rise vibrationally. So it needs support, loving care and compassion. Whilst there are common tools that support many of us in integration, it has a unique pathway and timeframe for each of us. Those tools include masses of fresh water, fresh air, and conscious breathing, alive foods, Epsom or Himalayan salt baths, yoga and mindful exercise and rest. Eating, fasting, resting and moving in harmony with the particular needs of our body on any given day.

At times we may just notice that we are exhausted, irritable or our bodies aching. We can feel like we have flu or detoxy. Headaches, dizziness, rashes and unusual auditory and visual sensations are all common. The capacity to orient and plan in linear time can disappear.

Our bodies’ cellular make-up is shifting from carbon-based to crystalline. Our neural pathways are rewiring with many new ones being formed. As this progresses, we may discover new capacities of thought, insight, intuition and multi-sensory abilities.

Suggested practices and contemplations:

Do listen at least three times.

~ In meditation, attune to your crystalline heart center. Feel and sense its' light and the sphere of light around it.

Observe its color(s). Is there sound or song? What is the vibration?

From here open a channel to the pineal in the center of the brain.

Feel or imagine brilliant white or diamond light flowing along this pathway, igniting and illuming the pineal.

Be aware of the two way communication between heart and brain.

Let the radiance permeate outwards into the tissues and cells of the body.

~ As you practice, you may wish to expand to also include the womb center, connected with the heart and pineal.

~ Flow Loving Presence and calm, soothing strength into your entire nervous system; into the brain, nerves, spinal fluid and cord.

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